Guide for Dragon Age: Origins (2024)


After a cutscene you will find yourself in town. Turn to your left and you’ll find the Chantry, outside of which is another Board full of quests. After grabbing the quests, a conversation will trigger as you turn to leave. Nothing important is involved but you can earn another Codex if you question them.

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Once you’re outside the Chantry walls, turn to the left. Behind the two buildings ahead of you will be the Mages’ Collective with more quests for you. Around the front of these buildings will be Sergeant Kylon. Speak to him for another quest.

The door to the left of the Sergeant leads to Wade’s Emporium. Head inside and speak to Herren. You’ll likely have a number of drake scales by now, so ask about them. Wade will approach and offer to make you armour. Pay 10 sovereigns to get the best quality armour made, though it won’t be ready for a while. Behind Wade is a chest you can loot. Leave the shop.

Playthrough One

Facing away from Wade’s shop, turn to the right and walk to the next house. Alistair will stop and tell you about his sister again. Agree to see her and enter. Unfortunately, there’s no good ending here but you should get a Persuasion attempt during it. Once you leave Alistair will speak with you again. It’s now time to harden Alistair and make him more likely to do as needed later on in the game. First, choose “Everyone is out for themselves”. When the conversation ends, speak to him again – ask him what’s on his mind and then choose “It’s about time”. With that done, Alistair is now hardened.

Turn right and head to where you entered the town. The first house on the right will that of a Blood Mage’s Relative. Interact with it to plant a sign.

Playthrough Three

Just beyond this house will be Marjolaine's hideout. Head inside and Kill the guards. Enter the next room to confront Marjolaine. Back up Leliana and Marjolaine will either leave or attack you. Once she's dealt with, loot the chest in the bedroom for some high quality equipment - including possibly the best bow Leliana can wield. Leave the house and continue on.

Follow the houses around the centre of town and you’ll find another Blood Mage door next to Knight-Commander Tavish. Speak to Tavish and tell him you have something he might be interested in to complete a quest.

Keep going around the town and you’ll meet Gorim. Speak to him and he will have a Berserker manual for sale. If you want you can buy it now, but you will also be able to unlock it for free later in the game.

At some point soon you shouldl run into Ser Landry, who will recognise you as a Grey Warden and challenge you. You’ll have a chance to Persuade or Intimidate him into leaving you alone. If you prefer, you can fight and kill him.

Next to Gorim is the Gnawed Noble Tavern. Head inside and speak to the Bartender. Ask him if anyone needs help for some more quests. You can also buy a Gift from him. The chest behind him contains some decent weapons. Head into the room to the left of the bar to find the Blackstone Irregulars, where you can pick up more quests. To the right of the bar is a small corridor. Head into the last room to find a number of things you can loot. Leave the Tavern.

Head around the corner to the right and into the Warehouse. As well as a number of chests to loot, you’ll find a Body Bag in the back room. Pick it up and leave the Warehouse. To your right will be a Mysterious Door. Interact with it and present the small painted box. Continue around and enter the Wonders of Thedas Shop.

Immediately to your left is a codex. Further along the wall is Sheth the Apprentice. Speak to him and hand him the note from his master. There’s another codex on the counter. There are another three codices on the tables on the upper level of the shop. The shopkeeper has a few interesting things for sale. The first is Wintersbreath, one of the best (if not the best) staff in the game. As such, it’s very expensive, though. He also sells the Ring of Ages, but that’s even more expensive again. He carries a Tome of Arcane Technique if you’re on your third playthrough and want another spell point. He sells a number of Grandmaster runes, but you won’t really need them. He also sells a gift, so make sure to pick that up.

Playthrough 2

You’re going to need to purchase the Manual: Spirit Healer from him, which you’ll need to teach Morrigan how to heal (as she will be your main companion for this playthrough). You can buy it during the first playthrough if you wish, but it’s a reasonable amount of gold you could be using elsewhere. Once you’ve bought it, it’s unlocked for all playthroughs.

Note: If you want to avoid buying it at all, you need to befriend Wynne enough so that she'll offer to teach you.

You can now leave the shop.

Continue around to the right and you’ll reach Gentivi’s Home. Head inside. Approach Weylon and speak with him. The main table holds a codex, and there is another in the room to Waylon’s right. Head to the back of the house and attempt to open the door. Weylon will attack, so kill him and enter the room. There’s a codex on the floor and a chest by the bed containing a Gift and Gentivi’s Research. Look at the foot of the bed to find the real Waylon. Leave the house.

Keep going around to the right and you’ll find the gate to the Elven Alienage. You won’t be able to enter for now, but check the wall nearby to find a poster. Make sure to read it. Continue to circle around the outside of the town and you’ll find a Hooded Courier. Speak to him as part of an earlier quest and he’ll walk off.

Keep circling and you’ll approach the Chantry again. Check the small alley before the Chantry to find a Body Bag. Head into the Chantry grounds and dump the bodies you’ve found in the well. While you’re here you can speak to Chanter Rosamund to hand in some quests. Continue circling for just a little more and you’ll find Sara standing on her own outside a house. Speak to her and give her the bad news. Now head to the market in the centre of town.

Walk around the market until you find Master Ignacio. Speak to him and ask if he needs any help. He’ll say no, but you need to ask him. To his right is Cesar, who is a shop keeper. To Cesar’s right is a codex. Keep circling the market and you’ll find Fayd the Apprentice. Speak to him and give him the note. Now head back towards the Chantry and attempt to leave Denerim.

Accept the note and head back to the Gnawed Noble Tavern. Head towards the bar tender and then turn right down the short corridor. Enter the first door you come to and speak to Master Ignacio. Do not try and attack him. He’s incredibly powerful and even 4 vs 1 you could struggle. Agree to work with him as you’ll get more XP, though some of your companions won’t be delighted by it...

Go back to the gate leading out of Denerim and you’ll be taken to the Denerim map instead of the world map. There are a number of places here we can visit. First, go to The Pearl.

While travelling around Denerim, there is a chance you’ll be interrupted in a place called the Back Alley. If you start out on top of the stairs, to your left will be a phylactery. Interact with it to trigger a Revenant fight. Kill it and loot it for some good stuff. At the bottom of this area is an ambush with some lootable items. Once you’ve cleared the place out, leave the alley to continue your journey.

Note: If you have Zevran in your party, there’s also a good chance of being attacked by his former employers. Try and keep him alive while you deal with them.

The Pearl

Directly to your left will be a codex. There will also be another Hooded Courier directly ahead of you, so make sure to speak to him. Head out into the main room and speak to Sagna. Ask her about the poster.

In the corner you’ll likely see a fight between a girl and three men. Once the fight is over, approach the girl, Isabela. Ask her to teach you to be a duelist and she’ll ask to play a game. Agree. As you play, keep attempting to catch Isabela’s hand. If your dexterity is high enough (which it very probably will be), Isabela will be caught out. If your dexterity isn’t high enough, keep going until Leliana (or Zevran if you’re using him) interjects for you. Once you’ve caught her, ask her about the cheating and she’ll open the Duelist specialisation, which you will be using in Playthrough 2. On a nearby table is a codex.

Turn around and there’ll be some Mercenaries in the other corner. Speak to their leader and order them to leave. You’ll now be offered a Persuasion or Intimidation choice, succeed and they’ll leave. With them gone, head through the door nearby.

Walk down the hallway and enter the room on the right to find a Body Bag to pick up. Check the chest in the corner for a Love Letter. Leave this room and knock on the door opposite, to the right. Choose “The griffons will rise again” and head inside. You will be ambushed, but you’ll have a chance to persuade them of the truth. They’ll attack anyway, so kill them. Once they’re dead, loot Paedan to find his orders. You can now leave (though if you want a bit of fun, speak to Sagna on your way out...).

On the Denerim map, select the Dirty Back Alley. On the way you’ll be interrupted. During the conversation, you’ll be attacked by Cristof. Kill him and his men. Loot the bodies (especially Cristof as he’s carrying some nice stuff) and then leave to continue your journey to the Dirty Back Alley.

Dirty Back Alley

Wipe out the gang of thugs and you’ll find Tania next to a cart. Speak to her and tell her about her husband. Head up the stairs to find the Door of a Blood Mage’s Relative. Mark it and then leave the alley (note: there is also a door to the Quaint Hovel in this alley, but you can’t do anything with it yet). From the map, select Dark Alley.

Dark Alley

Here you’ll be attacked by another gang so wipe them out. There are a number of lootable objects around but, more importantly, there is a Door of a Blood Mage’s Relative to mark at one side of the alley and a Hooded Courier at the other. Once you’ve sorted these, leave the alley and head to the Rundown Back Street.

Rundown Back Street

Wipe out the gang again (these guys can be quite tough, so watch your health). As well as another bunch of lootable objects, you’ll also find the body of Ser Friden next to a chest. Loot him for a journal and a new quest. There’s also another Hooded Courier off to one side. There is also a door to a Dirty Hovel, find it and head inside.

Dirty Hovel

Speak to Layson the Deserter and tell him you’re here on behalf of the Blackstone Irregulars. Regardless of what you say, he’ll attack. Kill him and his thugs, then loot his body to retrieve the Guild Supplies. There’s also a chest in the backroom. Leave the Hovel and also the Back Street. There’ll be a new area open on the map; a Deserted Building. Head there now.

Deserted Building

Head through the “concealed” door ahead of you and kill the mercenaries. Once they’re dead, loot the bodies for a key to the door and head through. Continue through the rooms, killing the mercenaries as you go. There’s nothing of particular interest in any of the rooms, but there’s plenty to loot. Soon you’ll come to a barricade (due to a lovely bug with the console version, you’ll have to use your talent wheel to target the barricade to break it while you’re in the middle of a fight).

Head into the next room and kill the mages as soon as possible as they can be a real problem. The next room also has a mage and a number of other enemies, plus a bunch of barricades. Make sure to take the mage out first, then clear out the rest of the room. Head into the next room and you can pick the lock of the door on the right for some more loot (you will get a key for this room soon, but may as well loot it now to save time). Enter the final room for a boss fight.

Kill the lead mage as soon as possible as he’s seriously dangerous. Once he’s dead, loot him and leave. Head back to Denerim’s Market District.


There’s a number of stuff we can now do before continuing on. First, head to the Chantry and hand in any quests to Rosamund. Dump the final body in the well nearby. Go see the Mages’ Collective Liaison to hand in their quests. Go talk to Sergeant Kylon and ask if he needs any more help. Finally, enter Wade’s Emporium and speak to Herren to receive your new armour. It’s pretty good light armour, so keep it for any character that could use it.

Leave Wade’s Emporium and head over to the Gnawed Noble Tavern. Head into the room on the left and confront the Crimson Oars Leader. You’ll get a chance to Intimidate them into leaving, though if it doesn’t work you’ll have to beat them up a bit. Speak to the Blackstone Liaison in the corner to hand in their quests.

Speak to the Bartender and you’ll very likely be able to hand in another quest. Once you’ve done that he’ll have another new quest for you. Next, speak to Master Ignacio. He’ll give you two new contracts. Leave the Tavern and head back to Sergeant Kylon to complete his quests. You can now leave Denerim.

A couple more places will have appeared on the World Map. First, head to the Kadan-Fe Hideout.

Kadan-Fe Hideout

Head over to the camp and kill everyone there. Once they’re dead, loot the chests in the camp for some nice stuff and then leave. Head to Refugees.


This one’s nice and simple too. Just kill all of the Darkspawn attacking the refugees then leave. Head to Civil War.

Civil War

Kill all of Loghain’s soldiers and leave for the Party Camp.

Party Camp

Morrigan will likely speak to you about her mother here. Talk to her about her mother’s plans and agree to help Morrigan. This will update Morrigan’s quest. We will be facing Flemeth later on; it’s not time to do so, yet.

While you’re here, do all the levelling and equipping needed for your companions – in particular, you need a crossbow or bow for both yourself and Alistair (or any other character you plan on using), so buy some from Bodahn if you don't already have some to use. Assign them as secondary weapons as we’ll need them later on. It’s also worth checking Bodahn’s shop as he’ll likely have a Backpack for sale, along with a Golden Rope Necklace.

Note: You will not need a crossbow or bow for yourself if you are on Playthrough 3.

The only gift you have that you’re able to give at the moment is the Steel Symbol of Andraste, which is for Leliana. If you bought the Golden Rope Necklace from Bodahn, give it to Morrigan. It’s time to gather your party and head for our next location.

Playthrough One

Before you leave, speak to Alistair and ask him to teach you about being a templar – this will unlock the Templar specialisation for your character. When you level up enough, you will be able to assign this specialisation to your character.

Once you’re ready to leave, it’s probably best to stick with the team of Alistair, Wynne and Leliana (they’re pretty much the best team you can have as a warrior).

Playthrough Two

Do not take Wynne or Leliana. You are going to lose them whatever happens, but leaving them behind makes the next quest a lot easier.

Playthrough Three

Speak with Leliana about what happened in Denerim. Ask her to share her thoughts and tell her people can surprise you. Tell her that Marjolaine would have eventually attacked and that there's nothing wrong with her reaction to that. Tell her she is not slipping, this is who she is. Continue with the conversation and Leliana will be hardened.

World Map

Once you’re ready, head to the Village of Haven.

18. Haven16. Redcliffe

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Guide for Dragon Age: Origins (2024)
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Name: Jamar Nader

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